If you’re anything like me, you loved Season 1 of HBO‘s Silicon Valley (not to be confused with “Start-Ups” reality show produced by Bravo!). The show is edgy, and scandalous at times. But it shares biting truths about the tech
Old-School CBC Radio Chime Ringtone for Android Device
A few days ago, we posted directions on how to install our custom-made CBC Radio ringtone on the iPhone. One of our followers asked, “How can I do this on my Android device?”. And thus, this tutorial was born.
How to install a custom Ringtone on your iPhone (.m4r file format)
So, you’ve gotten your hands on a fun new ringtone that really reflects who you are, as a person. Doubtless, you can’t wait to share it with the world!! Here’s how: Chances are good that, if you’ve downloaded the ringtone
G.fast: A Face-lift for DSL & ASDL is on the way
Something new is on the way for users of phone-based Internet! It’s called G.fast, and could help speed up your Internet connection considerably. Like a lot of tech advancement, this new standard uses existing hardware in a new and awesome