Windows XP End-of-Support: the XPocalypse Approaches

We here at Perfect Fit Computers are taking the end of Windows XP seriously.  On April 8, 2014, Microsoft will stop providing security updates to Windows XP.  Computers running Windows XP will become vulnerable to new Internet-based threats. It seems,

Scary Term, no more: RAID

RAID RAID Arrays. RAID-0, RAID-1, RAID-5, RAID-10. This clever group of hard drive fault tolerance technology can seem positively terrifying.   And, while a RAID array does take some planning and work to set up, it’s really not that

New and Improved YouTube mobile app!

Huzzah!  YouTube has just released a majorly updated app for the iPhone, and for Android devices. And – hopefully I say this without sounding too entitled, here – I hope they’ve fixed some of the annoying issues which take some

The YouTube Speed Test Page: A Hidden Gem

Here’s something we discovered last week, by accident:  YouTube offers a speed test page. Now, you may be saying, “But, there are countless speed/bandwidth tests out there.  Why use this one?”. True: YouTube’s may not be the most robust testing