If you’re anything like me, you loved Season 1 of HBO‘s Silicon Valley (not to be confused with “Start-Ups” reality show produced by Bravo!). The show is edgy, and scandalous at times. But it shares biting truths about the tech
Old-School CBC Radio Chime Ringtone for Android Device
A few days ago, we posted directions on how to install our custom-made CBC Radio ringtone on the iPhone. One of our followers asked, “How can I do this on my Android device?”. And thus, this tutorial was born.
How to install a custom Ringtone on your iPhone (.m4r file format)
So, you’ve gotten your hands on a fun new ringtone that really reflects who you are, as a person. Doubtless, you can’t wait to share it with the world!! Here’s how: Chances are good that, if you’ve downloaded the ringtone
13 Companies That Surprisingly Still Use Windows XP
These companies are sticking to their XP and they’re not letting go. Today, Perfect Fit Computers salutes them and their steadfast determination to hold on to the glorious past, despite Microsoft’s announced Windows XP End-of-Life on April 8, 2014. Below
Windows XP End-of-Support: the XPocalypse Approaches
We here at Perfect Fit Computers are taking the end of Windows XP seriously. On April 8, 2014, Microsoft will stop providing security updates to Windows XP. Computers running Windows XP will become vulnerable to new Internet-based threats. It seems,
Windows 8: Apparently, not everyone is a fan
As you can see from this video review, not everyone is a fan of Windows 8. The video is a bit tongue-in-cheek, and is dripping with sarcasm. But a lot of interesting points are made. The main argument is that
Installing Avast Anti-Virus (Free Edition)
There are several competing free antivirus programs out there today, each with its own strengths and weaknesses. At the time of writing this post, I’m suggesting that you use the Free/Basic edition of Avast! Antivirus because, in addition to providing
Windows XP – 11 years later, still going strong!
Windows XP was released by Microsoft in late 2001 (check out this nostalgic ad: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CmNFUWSYatM). And amazingly, more than ten years later, it’s still a very popular version of Windows, both at home, and in the office. Why is that?
Computers CAN be fun: Tip #1 – Make your Mac Sing
The Disappearing Menubar in Mac OS X Lion
When using some applications in Mac’s OS X Lion, you may find that your menu bar disappears when you’re using applications like Word. This is most likely because Mac OS X Lion is running the program in